I feel like I am falling short already on my blogging, but I really do have good excuses. Things have been caaaa-razy around here these last few weeks. It seems like at the end of the school year there are always so many extra things going on. Programs, concerts, award assemblies, you name it, we did it! Plus I started working a few days a week and that didn't help. For some reason when momma leaves the nest there is always more work to do when she gets back so I haven't stayed on top of this as much as I would like too. That's ok though I think everyone is trying their best and I have been told I need to chill out so I am trying! It has been good for everyone I think. May went by so fast I am trying to remember everything that went on.... A couple of weeks ago Jerry took the boys and went to the Father and Sons camp out in our ward. And when I say "the boys" I mean he took them all. All three! I wasn't so sure about James going over night but come to find out it was me that had a harder time then he did! He had a blast. Dexton and Parker did too. They had the truck loaded and ready to go by the time I got home from work. I guess they all slept in the back of the truck with an air mattress that was completely deflated by morning. They didn't seem to mind. I am glad Jerry loves to do things like that with his boys. He took a day off work to be there because we both decided that was more important. They will always remember things like that! I think this was mothers day weekend and I already posted pictures about that so this is all a little backwards, but like I said I am trying to catch up. Yes. This was the weekend we went on our date in Zion and my sister stopped and visited us. Refer to previous post for pictures :)

Moving along to the next week...The next week was full of soccer games. It was a fun week because Chloe had a game every day that week with a big tournament on Saturday. We have learned that Miss Chloe is quite the soccer player. She is tough, she is stubborn, and she plays her best anywhere they put her. At first she played defender and we thought that was perfect for her. Then someone got hurt and they put her in as a forward and she killed it there too! She scored two goals right off the bat. Then we needed a goalie and she was the toughest goalie anyone had ever seen. She was not about to let that ball by her! It was awesome. Then it was time for the tournament. Jerry took the other kids over to Valley and Kanab with him for the weekend (they went to do some work for Grandpa Glover) and I stayed with Chloe. Her team was counting on her and we couldn't miss it. I had spent most of the week listening to Coach Amanda talk about her strategies and game plan to take home the trophy. Amanda is who I work with (or work for) but she has also become a good friend and great coach. Her and her hubby gave it their all for these girls they were awesome. So on our way to and from Cedar Mountain when we work, we spent most of the time laughing and analyzing this team. To make a long story short, we didn't make it to the championship game, but we ended on one of the most intense 8year old soccer games anyone had ever seen. I especially don't think Chloe will ever forget it. I think it was the most stressful situation she has been put in so far (of course she will experience far worse in her life but until now this was big!) We got beat by the team we dreaded the most, but we did not go down without a fight. After 3 overtimes we had to do a shoot out. I never played soccer myself so I didn't even know what it was and I don't think Chloe did either. She was told to assume her goalie position and get ready. There she was, the other opponent, standing less then 10 feet away from her with the soccer ball staring her down. The goal was to kick it and score. I could tell Chloe was scared. So much pressure for my little girl it all came down to her! The other girl gave it one good kick and it went flying into the net.... Chloe ran off the field devastated and in tears thinking she had lost the game for everyone! Little did she know they had 5 chances to score the most they can and then our team got the same chance. After Chloe pulled it together she went right back in the game this time more prepared. I don't remember how many she stopped and how many they scored but for the most part she gave it her all. We went into 4 MORE OVER TIMES in the kick off and with each one Chloe was at the net. It really did come down to her protecting that ball. I looked around and people were gathered from all over the other fields to watch these girls battle until the end. One final kick for the other team and Chloe didn't quite make it... They scored and won.... Our girls were devastated. Of course Chloe felt like she let everyone down, but after a good pep talk from coach, then a LONG pep talk from mom, and a little tiki shack, she felt fine. A good learning experience for sure. I am proud of her and her "Kung Fu Panda" team mates, we will get em' next year! Chloe and I had a fun weekend together after that. I took her on a date to Dairy Queen and then we went home. She was exhausted and I had some painting to do. I took advantage of the other kids being with Jerry and painted most of my house. Upstairs and all of the basement. It looks much better if I do say so myself. Chloe wasn't much help, but she did tell me some cute stories in between her mermaid series she watched on netflix... I love you Chloe Mae, thanks for spending the weekend with me!