A Glimpse of the Glover's

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Family Pics

 I just wanted to post some pictures we got taken back in December.  I can't go back and post everything from last year, but I wanted to put a few of these on here because they are the first pictures we have with all of us.  It was probably the coldest day of 2011 and the kids were icicles by the time we were done.  Especially James, I felt so bad! I had all these big ideas in my head about how I wanted them to look and what outfits everyone was going to wear, but when it came down to it everyone ended up putting on big coats and anything else to stay warm! We were determined to do it because it is hard to get everyone in the same place at the same time these days.  I am glad we did.  Maybe we will shoot for some summer pics this year....Good idea!
Our Chitlins

They think they are so gangsta

I always try to get a pic of these 3 to send to their daddy
Little Glover boys

Playing in the snow

This picture makes me laugh SO hard.  What is Parker doing up at the top by his self!?  We were trying to get creative on the rocks and when we got the pics back I was dying laughing.  This def goes in the "awkward" photo file haha sorry Parker
With his favorite girls

Much better shot!

1 comment:

Jana Sorensen said...

Adorable! I sure do love this little Glover family. Keep it coming Case!