A Glimpse of the Glover's

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Easter Weekend Part 1

I have so many pictures from Easter weekend and the pics pretty much explain themselves.  Except for the pictures that don't explain themselves, therefore I will explain them myself.  Make sense?  It does to me, and that's what matters... I always talk about the traditions I had growing up, but here is another one.  We always have a scavenger hunt on Easter and this is the first one we have had with just us at our house.  This really has been a big past year for me, first my very own Christmas at home, and now my very own Easter at home...wow I am finally growing up! This wasn't near as fun as the scavenger hunts at the Cutler's house, but I think the Easter bunny did ok.  Hopefully with each passing year her poems and rhyming skills will get better.  They were a little "iffy" if you ask me!  Next year Mckenna will be able to drive (crazy) so I am sure they will find clues all over town just like we do in Kanab. This was their first clue and they really really tried to act excited as you can see.  James just wanted to stop and eat every bit of candy along the way, he didn't quite get it. He is so funny.

I should have saved all of the clues 

 They really were stumped on a couple of them because they really didn't make much sense.  I giggled and giggled behind the camera the whole time.  Look at my sweet baby James

The final prize was left in the M _ _  C_ V _   yep you got it.... Man Cave!  She even dropped a few little eggs for Jerry.  That bunny is so nice

After our fun morning we gathered up our stuff and headed to Orderville.  We had some fun stuff planned over there and I love the Easter traditions that the Glover's have.  They are so fun in fact, the day after Jerry and I got married, we left our honeymoon suite in Zion and drove over to join the fun. We couldn't miss out on the egg roll! Mostly we just wanted to see the family and spend some time with them since we were a little pre-occupied on our wedding day.  So many pictures, so many people, that kind of thing :) Anyways back to Easter... Aunt Jana, Kasen, and Daisha came (with a little bribe of Jerry's Ribs) Deanna and her family were there, and even Aunt Liz and Uncle Bret played with us for a little while. Here they are getting ready to color eggs

He is always a good helper.  Those wheelers needed a bath after the last time we took them and Parker was just the man for the job
You will always find at least one of the grand kids on this trampoline, usually 3 or 4 but from what Grandma Glover tells me it is as old as the hills.  All of her kids grew up jumping on it and it has weathered threw the decades for the grand kids.  I love the tree behind them too.  You cant see it in the picture but there are about 3 kites stuck in it.  This tree eats Grandmas kites.  I think it needs to be nicer to her :)

Yes, EVERYONE gets to color eggs. Annnnd what is an Easter without Jerry's "GOFE" egg.  It just would not be the same!

I love it when they all strike a pose.  Smiling is just too boring sometimes

Here we have the "winning" egg rolling trail.  Kenna and Jerry decided to team up this year and little by little everyone left their own  to come and help them.  They had jumps and tunnels galore.  It was pretty creative, but from what I have seen Jerry always brings all types of gadgets and tools to help him out.  Which doesn't seem to be against the rules so the more the better!

What up
Time for a ride

Jer and Jana went to see if the Easter bunny had left any "Money" eggs for the older kids and sure enough it did! In the meantime he found his first shed of the season.  Hey at least he found one I say.  I think the funniest part of the picture is him holding a Pepsi and and Easter basket in the other hand??? What the heavens,  it is funny to me for some reason

I love pictures of these two walking together.   James has the cutest little strut just like his pops. I got Chloe in action too she is on a mad dash to get all her eggs.  I think Parker was just there over looking things, he has graduated from the little kid hunt

This was so funny.  These two looked and looked and looked for an hour or more and were getting pretty frustrated about where their eggs could be.  We had to start giving them hints or we were NEVER going to make it back for supper. There was a total of $50 to be found in all and this one had the big prize of $20 in it so when they got close to it they started fighting each other to see who could grab it first.  Kenna walked away with a bunch of scratches on her leg and........
look who walked away with the money.... Better luck next year sister!


Cando said...

I honestly cannot believe Parker in these posts. He is such a handsome grown man! I love it. Those kids will love these traditions!

Jana Sorensen said...

i love the picture where they are all "posing". Hilarious. That is such a cute tradition of the scavenger hunt. Man, it was so much fun. Thanks for it all! Can't wait to see easter part 2 :)