A Glimpse of the Glover's

Sunday, March 11, 2012

March Madness

 Ok so March Madness hasn't started yet as far as basketball goes, (it starts tomorrow) but it sure has as far as around my house!  I thought that once regular basketball season was over we would have a little time to breathe around here.  I was hoping to get some projects done around the house, and do some much needed spring cleaning. Boy was I wrong!  I feel busier then ever. The bad thing is, I still have it in my mind that I need to get these things done so guess what happens... I started them, but I have no idea when I will be able to finish them.  Once I get something in my head I just have to do it.  Even if it means I have half finished things going on in every room.  Last week was very busy with all the things the kids and Jerry were involved in and of course that means I have been busy too. Mckenna was just telling me the other day that I never do anything.  She says I never go out of the house unless it is for them, or to go to the store, or something like that and I just looked at her and said "really!?!"  so that leaves me no time to do anything else! Believe me, I would love to be going out of the house for no one but me, but that is just not going to happen anytime soon.  I really don't mind though.  There is a season for everything in our lives and I truly believe my season is here in my home and to serve my family.  I have had my share of "me" time and I know I am going to miss these days when they are gone. Although I really really really would like just 2 hours in the near future to get my hair done.  That shouldn't be too much to ask!? Hopefully my scheduele and budget will allow that soon :) Speaking of budget....looks like our money is going to go to a new washer this month.  I think my Big Bertha finally gave out.  She has been on her last leg for a couple months now, and I think she has been called home.  She is still hanging around on life support, but barely.  I am going to have to pull the plug this week I am afraid. Jerry spent a good 2 days running around trying to figure out the problem and trying different parts, but it's still not working right. In fact it BARELY works at all.  So there goes my big plans to finish my projects.  I guess clean clothes for my family is a little more important then bead board on the kitchen island, or a freshly painted bathroom, or painting the downstairs.....dumb washer! Another kick in the pants when Jerry gave me the grand total of how much it was going to cost him to get all of his umpire gear for the season.  Ouch! I guess he has to have it or he can't do it, that makes sense, but holy moly.  I could get a nice new summer wardrobe for that price!  Oh well.  He will make it back after a few games hopefully and daaaaang does he look good in his get up!  He's the hottest Ump I have ever met for sure. Saturday morning was his first game and I had to laugh as I passed by the shower and I hear him practicing.  "Striiiiiiike" I heard him say in his deepest man voice two or three times. He was practicing how it would sound coming out of his mouth.  It made me laugh!  He was nervous, but I know he did great. Next weekend I am going to try and go watch him and soak up some St George sun.  I need it! The kids had parent/teacher conf.  last week and I am happy to report that ALL of them are doing so well.  It has taken Chloe a little time to learn to love reading, but I think she is finally starting to like it more.  She is sitting on the couch as I type reading a book.  That is progress! Parker's teacher couldn't stop talking about what a great student he is and said he is almost bored. He gets hundreds on everything and gets his work done fast.  She recommends that we think about putting him in the Success Academy in high school, so we will have to cross that bridge when it comes.  Kenna is also doing awesome with a 3.9 so far and we are keeping her on track to be NCAA certified with some scholarships we are keeping our eyes on. We also decided we would shoot for her to be a sterling scholar in the future and I know that will open up some doors for her. I know they are both more then capable of doing anything they set their minds too so I am excited for them.  I am one proud momma.  We put Mckenna in a basketball program in Parowan and Parker is doing Cedar Hoops so basketball continues.  They LOVE it.  Chloe starts soccer in a couple weeks and I hear she has a pretty good coach. That would be me!  We are going to have so much fun.  Dex also will start soccer soon and I can't wait to watch him.  Jamesy is just wrapping up his last month being one.  I can't believe my baby is almost two. He has taken an interest in anything and everything his dad does. Whatever Jerry is fixing, he wants to fix, whatever he is eating, he wants to eat, and so on.  He is def a momma's boy, but I think he is starting to think his dad is pretty cool too. March has started out full of events so far, I am curious to see what the rest of the month brings!  More March Madness to come at our house plus we are working on our brackets for the real march madness.  Bring on the Madness! 
I told her anytime I come across these pictures on my camera I would post them.  She'll learn.
Trying to repair Big Bertha.  Yes my washer and dryer is in my kitchen.  Yes it is an old house.  It was built in the 70's people....bear with me.  Not pleasing to the eyes, but it is convenient.  I can bake a cake AND fold laundry all at the same time.  Don't be jeal... I know you want this in your house too. Very convenient!

I love Dan.  I mean.... Dan's family loves Dan.  I don't know Dan, but I had to make a sign that says "We Love You Dan" for a lady in my ward whose son is on a mission and they wanted to send him a pic of the family with this banner.  So I love Dan.  Shhhh don't tell the hubbs

We are getting spring fever so bad around here.  They wanted to play outside in the mud, but it only lasted 5 minutes.  It is way colder then it looks still.  It was a lot of mess for a short time.  I can't wait until the backyard is finished so there will be no more mud at all! I love how James is looking at Chloe

Chloe wanted to go in the hills and have a picnic. (Not sure why she looks sad in the pic?) By the time we got out to our spot it was dark so we built a small fire and looked at the stars. It was spur of the moment, but it's so fun to get the kids out in the hills.  Makes us soooo excited for warmer weather.  Kenna was with friends.  She missed out
This boy loved throwing sticks in the fire

Jer has a better tan started then I do this year

Why would they do this?   It HAD to go.  No more carpet on the island. (haha Chloe) Even the bare wood looks better then this for now.  

No more wallpaper.  It was kinda funky and some said to go with it, but I couldn't do it.  She's gone. Now time to decide on a new color

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